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James P.

Reliable, Motivated, Dedicated

There are occasions when it pays better to fight and be beaten than not to fight at all. 
- George Orwell

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After six years in the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute, James has explored different career interests in terms of engineering, design, and research on various social issues. He particularly enjoys the study of science and hopes to pursue a career within the medical field.
James has spent time participating in different career-oriented summer programs throughout his high-school career. He has taken part in summer programs at UCLA Health and Stanford, gaining insight in jobs within the medical field and advice from prominent university professors.
Within high-school, James has led the SAT Prep Club for 3 years, spreading SAT strategies and lessons to club members. He also enjoys playing badminton in his free time and has been on the school’s badminton team for all four years of high school. Outside of school, James also enjoys recreational swimming, as well as volunteering at different food banks on the weekends.
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