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Joel M.

Confident, Proactive, Passionate

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
- C.S. Lewis

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Joel has been a part of the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute since 9th grade. Over the course of these past four years, he's explored different career interests in terms of engineering, design, and cryptography. He particularly enjoys computer engineering and plans to pursue a career in cybersecurity. Joel has spent time participating in different career-oriented summer programs throughout his high-school career. He has taken part in summer programs at MIT and Stanford, gaining insight and advice from prominent university professors.

Joel has been playing the piano for the past 8 years and has won multiple international competitions. He also enjoys playing badminton in his free time and has been on the school’s badminton team for three years of high school. Outside of school, Joel takes part in many community service activities such as hackathon mentoring, SAT tutoring, volunteering at senior centers, and managing servers.

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