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Nick M.

Confident, Communicative, Responsible

We have two lives; the second begins when we realise we only have one.
- Confucius

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Throughout his six years in the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute, Nicholas Morris has engaged in challenges inside and outside of the classroom.

In the classroom he developed technical skills, learning to use CAD software, 3D Printers, CNC machines, the Laser Cutter, and many more. He competed in First Tech Challenge, First Lego League, AMC Math Competition, Synopsis Science Fair, and Maker Mart. He was also a part of the SCHS’s 150th Anniversary Float project, learning teamwork and diligence along the way.

Outside of the classroom he was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout in 2023 following his leadership position as SPL for Troop 394. He was a 4 year Varsity Water Polo player, and Captain in 2024. Additionally he was the Technology Representative in 23’ and 24’ for the student council. He also enjoys working as a Lifeguard / Swim instructor.

Nick is an ambitious leader to his friends, classmates, teammates, coworkers, and peers, always pushing others to become the best versions of themselves. He cherishes his time with SLI, not only for the skills he learned and challenges he overcame, but for the memories he formed and the people he bonded with along the way.
The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute (49ers SLI) provides multi-year, year-round academic support, STEM enrichment, skills training, and leadership opportunities to students in middle and high school. Students, who are with the program for six years from 7th through 12th grade, commit annually to 300+ hours of program learning time in addition to their typical school hours. By cultivating student mastery in STEM subjects and in key skill areas, the program prepares students for college and empowers them to pursue their passions; so that they may become the well-rounded leaders of the future. The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute is made possible by the strong partnership between Silicon Valley Education Foundation, 49ers Foundation, Chevron, and the Santa Clara Unified School District.

Special Thanks To...

49ers SLI students Danielle B, Stephanie K, & Jennifer L for designing and building this website in 2019.

49ers SLI student Aribah H for editing all headshot photos for this website.

Communications Team Danielle B, Dana C, Aribah H, Halle K, Stephanie K, Jennifer L for editing content and building pages for the 2021 Seniors.

Founding Partners

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