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Shreya H.

Determined, Passionate, Diligent

Failure is another steppingstone to greatness
- Oprah Winfrey

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Shreya is a passionate, determined student who is a member of the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute (SLI). By participating in FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics and taking a computational mathematics and big data visualization course at Brown University’s Pre-Collegiate Program, Shreya has developed a strong passion for computer science.
Shreya is also the founder and president of her school’s Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Club, which supports breast cancer patients by organizing fundraising activities, creating letters of encouragement for breast cancer patients, and hosting guest speaker meetings. 
Outside of school, Shreya is a Legislative Ambassador for the American Cancer Society (ACS), where she explores cancer from a societal and legislative standpoint. Shreya has been fortunate enough to communicate with congressional representatives and advocate for issues that make cancer a national priority.
As a UC Berkeley Partners in Health Engage (PIH Engage) member, Shreya also meets with local congressional representatives and other political and campus actors to address issues that affect many worldwide. For the past few months, Shreya has been advocating in favor of funding for the global COVID-19 response.
In her free time, Shreya runs on her school’s Varsity Track & Field team and enjoys spending time with her family. 
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